Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3), the update scheduled to release next year, runs Microsoft Corp.?s Office suite 10% faster than XP SP2, a performance testing software developer reported Friday. Devil Mountain Software, which earlier in the week claimed Windows Vista SP1 was no faster than the original, repeated some of the same tests on the release candidate of Windows XP SP3, the service pack recently issued to about 15,000 testers. ?We were pleasantly surprised to discover that Windows XP SP3 delivers a measurable performance boost to this aging desktop OS,? said Craig Barth, Devil Mountain?s chief technology officer, in a post to a company blog Friday. According to the Office performance benchmarks, Windows XP SP3 is also considerably faster than Vista SP1. ?
None of this bodes well for Vista, which is now more than two times slower than the most current builds of its older sibling,? said Barth. Microsoft has at times struggled to wean users from the six-year-old Windows XP and get them to migrate to Vista. During 2007, for example, it made several XP concessions, including adding five years to the support lifespan of the Home edition and extending OEM and retail sales of XP through June 2008, as it recognized that customers wanted to hold on to the older OS. That?s definitely good news for all users like me who decided to stay with not so problematic Windows XP. I guess Vista will become usable too, but it will take few Service Packs?
Source: PC World
If you want service pack 3,copy and paste this to txt file save as XPSP3.bat
@echo off
reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\WindowsUpdate\XPSP3 /f 2> NUL
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\WindowsUpdate\XPSP3 /v RCPreview /t REG_SZ /d 1c667073-b87f-4f52-a479-98c85711d869 /f
echo XPSP3 registry key has been set. Please check for updates in Windows Update.
run XPSP3.bat ,you might have to reboot a couple of times,then run windows update.
Source softpedia
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